Atari 2600

Total : 63
Game Error Type Image Notes
3-D Tic Tack toe Typo 3Dtictac
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases maybe tape corrected
Air-Sea Battle Typo airsea
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases maybe tape corrected
Asteroids Labeling ast2600dl1
double labeled
Astroblast Assembly astroblast
improperly folded manual
Atari 2600 Console (Canadian) Typo atari2400
Says Atari 2400 on front of box
Basic Programming Printing basic
starburst printing error
Basic Programming Multiple basic2
double label and printing error
Basic Programming Typo basictypo2600
part of 1986 release with "use with paddle controller" typo
Basic Programming Labeling basicdl1
double label
Basketball Telegames Label Position basketball
upside down end label
Breakout (INT) Typo breakoutint
says for joystick controller not paddle controller was sticker corrected then later printed without text
Centipede Label Position centepede
upside down end label
Centipede Labeling centi1
double labeled with colecovision label underneath
Circus Atari Label Position circus
end label upside down
Code Breaker Typo codebreaker
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases was tape corrected tape removed as noted in pic
Combat Label Position usdcombat
Upside down Label
Computer Chess Multiple compchess
upside down and blank label
Concentration Typo Concentration
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases maybe tape corrected
Cosmic Creepers Label Position cc
upside down label
Dark Chambers Label Position darkchambers
end label upside down
Defender (PAL) Typo defender-atrri
Copyright info on label says (c) 1981 ATRRI, Inc.
Dodge em Typo dodeem
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases maybe tape corrected
Donkey Kong Jr Printing dkjr
printer justification error
Enduro Label Position enduro
Upside down Label
Flag Capture Typo flagcap
says "For use with paddle controllers" part of 1986 releases maybe tape corrected